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The pod is a common group name of which mammal?

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Sheep whales are very social creatures that move through communities called pods, so if a healthy whale refuses to abandon a sick or injured pod member and chase after a shallow water, a large number of grounding will occur. There is likely to be. Mass grounding of dolphins is much less common than mass grounding of whales. Mammals are one of six classes of animals. The six classes of animals are birds, fish, amphibians, invertebrates, and mammals. There are about 5,000 types of mammals. There are three categories of mammals: placental mammals, monotreme mammals, and marsupials. Placental mammals are mammals.

Why do marine mammals move in their pods?

Most marine mammals move through their pods, a group of animals. When a single or a few members of most marine mammals move through a pod, which is a group of animals. If one or several members of the pod get sick and look for shallow water, the rest of the pod will also get sick.

What are the basic mammal groups of 21?

21 basic mammal groups. 1 Aardvark (Aardvark) Gary Parker / Getty Images. Aardvarks are the only living species of Tubulidentata. The characteristics of this mammal are 2 Sloth, Sloth, and Sloth (Xenarthra) 3 Bats (Xenarthra) 4 Carnivorous (Xenarthra) 5 Colugo (Coulago) Other Items

What are the types of mammals?

Mammals are divided into three groups that are distinguished by breeding habits. All mammals give birth to live young, with the exception of the monotreme, which includes the platypus and the seven thorny platypus or short-beaked echidna. These are the only mammals that lay soft-shelled eggs that hatch after a short incubation period.

What is the most diverse mammal group in

in the world?

The most diverse mammalian group of more than 2000 species, the rodents, includes squirrels, dormant mice, rats, garbils, beavers, gophers, kangaroo mice, porcupines, pocket mice, and springhares. It will be.

What is an animal group called a pod?

Whale: Pod, school, or game.

What is the collective noun of a pod?

AnimalCollective NounInIt's Written ContextDolphinspoda pod of dolphinsDolphinsherda herd of dolphinsDolphinsteama team of dolphinsDonkeysherda herd of donkeys

What are the names of all animal groups?

AnimalGroup nameAntelopesHerdAntsArmy, Swarm, NestAssesPace, Herd, DroveAuksColony, Flock, Raft

The pod is a common group name of which mammal?

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