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What animal family is a guinea pig in?

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Сви́нковые — одноизсемействгрызунов. Свинковые делятся натриподсемейства: Guinea pigs, guinea pigs, hydrocoelinae. Википедия

Which animal is the guinea pig associated with?

Guinea pigs are more distantly related to rodents of the genera Microcavia, Galea, Hydrochoerus, Kerodon, and Dolichotis. Includes other guinea pigs, capybaras and maras. For example, the Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris is the largest rodent in the world.

Do guinea pigs belong to the Suidae family?

By scientific classification, guinea pigs are not part of the Suidae family. Guinea pigs are part of the Cavies family, including mara, mountain cavities, and other South American rodents. Pigs are part of the Suidae family and are ungulate mammals, including wild and domestic pigs and pigs.

Are guinea pigs reptiles?

In the animal world, guinea pigs are small mammals born in South America and are called cues.

What is the guinea pig family called?

A group of guinea pigs is called a herd. As social animals, they are commonly found in wild groups, and your average herd consists of about 10 guinea pigs, both sows (female) and wild boars (male).

What animal family is a guinea pig in?

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