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What animal lives for only 2 years?

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1 2017 г. From insects known for their daily life as adults to small rodents they live for two weeks to two years, but most of the time one year is normal.

What animals can only live for two years?

Common octopus: 1-2 years (wild) Common octopus, considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates, lives in its natural habitat for 1-2 years. After mating for more than a week, females lay 100,000 to 500,000 eggs. 2015

Which animal has the shortest lifespan?

The true short-lived champion is the gastrotrich, an almost microscopic creature found in aquatic environments around the world. Flat, transparent creatures live their lives within a week, sexually mature in 3 days, clone and breed, and die after a day or two. 2017

Which animals can only live for a few years?

Species: Panther Chameleon The Panther Chameleon, endemic to Madagascar, has the shortest lifespan of all of them. Usually they live for about a year. Due to the simplicity of their lives, the entire adult generation dies before the new generation hatches from their eggs.

What is the shortest lifespan of an insect?

Researchers believe that the shortest adult lifespan record belongs to a female mayfly called Drania Americana. After living at the bottom of a stream in the form of an aquatic nymph for over a year, it appears as a flying adult and lives for less than 5 minutes.

What animal lives for only 2 years?

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