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What animal sleeps 30 minutes a day?

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Overall, adult giraffes pass through (on average) in just 30 minutes of sleep overnight. This is the shortest sleep requirement in the animal kingdom as a whole. January. 2014г.

Which of the following animals sleeps only 30 minutes a day?

Horses can spend 30 minutes (6) daily in REM sleep, but they need a comfortable place to lie down to do so.

Which animal sleeps the shortest?

Researchers found that elephants slept an average of two hours a day. This is the shortest known sleep time of any terrestrial mammal.

Which animal sleeps the least per day?

Another sleepless night in the savanna. Wild elephants sleep an average of two hours per night and are known as the lightest snoozer in mammals.

What is the only animal that never sleeps?

Bullfrogs are thought to be animals that can survive for months at a time without sleeping. They remain vigilant during these periods while they close their eyes and rest. Studies have shown that even while resting, these giant amphibians responded to painful stimuli and were awake enough to show changes in breathing.

What animal sleeps 30 minutes a day?

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