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What animals have high blood pressure?

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Which animal has the highest blood pressure?

Giraffe Facts Giraffes are one of the highest blood pressures in mammals. It reaches 280/180 mm Hg (120/80 mmHg), which is twice that of humans.

Why do animals have high blood pressure?

Dogs often suffer from secondary or hypertension due to the process of the underlying disease. The most common canine diseases that can lead to high blood pressure are chronic kidney disease, Cushing's disease (overproduction of cortisone by the body), and adrenal tumors.

Which bird has the highest blood pressure?

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Birds are credited with higher pressure: Jack Doe 119, Pigeon 130, Crow 150, Buzzard 170, and Turkey 190. Cold-blooded animals average 30-80 mm.

Dogs and cats can have high blood pressure. ??

High blood pressure in dogs and cats occurs when the pet's arteries are too narrow or "too stiff" and the heart muscle (especially the left ventricle) must work harder. For pets, high blood pressure is usually the result of another illness process.

What animals have high blood pressure?

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