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What are 5 giraffes called?

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Morten Thrane Brünnich classified the giraffe in 1762. The species name Camelopardalis is derived from Latin. Evolution Giraffidae, Giraffe, Masai Giraffe, Rothschild Giraffe

What are the five variants of Giraffe?

4 species / 5 subspecies List Masai giraffe (G. tippelskirchi) North giraffe (G. camelopardalis) 3 subspecies Reticulated giraffe (G. reticulata) South giraffe (G. giraffa) 2 subspecies giraffe species Guide: Do you have several types of giraffes?

What are many giraffes called?

A group of giraffes is called a tower.

What is the group of female giraffes called?

Can be called a tower, a herd, a kindergarten, an army, or an army of giraffes. But the most striking is the name "Tower", which perfectly represents the animal. The giraffe has a long neck and is considered an asset. Due to its long neck, mammals rise above other animals and reach the tops of tall trees.

What do you call a flock of giraffes standing on the highway?

What do you call Kirin's group? "Tower of Giraffe".

What are 5 giraffes called?

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