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What are a snails eye stalks called?

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In essence. The eye pattern is a special type of tentacle. Tentacles may also have a sensory organ at its end. in slugs and snails, these tentacles re-grow when severely damaged and, in some species, are retractable.

What is the snail's eye pattern called?

Also, looking at the tip of the tentacle is not common among snails. However, this is common to terrestrial pulmonary snails, and they are also given a scientific name. Stylommatophora means "stem-eyed snail".

What are snail tentacles?

Most terrestrial snails have one or two pairs of tentacles on their heads. In most terrestrial snails, the eyes are carried to the first (upper) set of tentacles (Omatofor or more informally called the "eyestalk"). This is usually about 75% of the width of the eyes. The second (lower) set of tentacles acts as the sense of smell.

Which part of the snail do you have eyes on?

The snail is looking at the tip of the tentacle. For pulmonary [pulmonary respiratory organs] with two pairs of tentacles, the eye is at the tip of the top pair.

Which animal is looking at the stem?

Stalk-eyed fly (Diptera), a member of a rare fly (Diptera) family looking at long stems near the antennae. This arrangement is visually beneficial, but it is an aerodynamic handicap.

What are a snails eye stalks called?

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