What are Ascon sponges?

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Sycon is a genus of Calcareous sponge belonging to the family Sycettidae. These sponges are small, grow up to 7.5 cm, are 2.5 to 7.5 in length, are tubular, and are often white to cream in color. For aquarium lovers, "pineapple" or Wikipedia

What is an Ascon type?

Sponge structure The simplest or ascon type found only in certain primitive genera of the Calcareous sponge (eg, leukosolenia) is characterized by the placement of choanocytes around the central cavity that communicates directly with the oscram. Can be attached. What is


Definition of ascon (entry 1/2): Compare sponge or sponge larvae with current canals that lead directly to Paragaster-Leucon, Psycon.

What is Ascon Biology?

Noun. A type of sponge that is oval, has a thin body wall, and has holes that directly connect to sponges.

How do you know if a sponge is an asconoid syconoid or a leuconoid?

Siconoids usually do not form highly branched colonies like asconoids. During their development, the syconoid sponge goes through the asconoid stage. Leuconoid sponges lack sponges and instead have a flagellar chamber containing choanocytes that enter and exit through the canal.

What are Ascon sponges?

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