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What are elephants favorite food?

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Natural foods Wild elephants eat as many as 200 species of plants in a year, but grass and bamboo (a type of grass) are the staple foods of choice. Elephants also feed on vines, wild palms, wild bananas, various shrubs, leaves and bark of certain trees, and even plants that act as herbs.

What do elephants like to eat as a snack?

Every day, each animal eats about 15 pounds of produce. Common foods include carrots, apples and bananas. Less common are melons, pineapples, pears, celery, parsley, lettuce, cabbage, kale, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and beets. There is a lot of variety now!

What do you like most about elephants?

Socializing. Elephants are very intelligent and sociable animals, so they enjoy interacting with each other. Elephants are often seen caressing each other. They enjoy the intertwined trunks, like greetings and gentle hugs.

What is your favorite elephant treat?

Bark is an elephant's favorite food source. Contains calcium and roughage to aid digestion. The fangs are chopped into the trunk and used to remove bark debris.

What is your favorite fruit of an elephant?

Our guide provided a lot of information about these glorious animals, and then found a giant bulbous textured fruit that he gestured towards, which is an elephant's favorite. I explained that it is a thing. "Elephants love jackfruit and can smell it from miles away.

What are elephants favorite food?

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