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What are shrimp most closely related to?

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One of about 2,000 species of shrimp and Natantia suborder (Decapoda of crustaceans). Relatives include crabs, crayfish, and red shrimp.

What kind of insects are related to shrimp?

They are called crustaceans. Shrimp, crabs, red shrimp – like crickets, they are arthropods. They are also scavengers. That is, their diet is as dirty as any other bug. 2008

Which family does the shrimp belong to?

Crustaceans (crustaceans / krʌˈsteɪʃə /) are a large variety of arthropods, including animals such as crabs, lobsters, clayfish, shrimp, krill, shrimp, wood squirrels, burnnacles, copepods, arthropods, and shakos. Form a crustacean classification group.

Are shrimp the same family as krill?

I often wonder if shrimp and cockroaches belong to the same family. Shrimp are classified as crustaceans, and cockroaches are classified as Blattidae. (It is called a "super family" because different types of cockroaches belong to different families.

Is shrimp related to octopus?

Both are "seafood" However, fish and shellfish are biologically different .. Shellfish are classified into two different groups of shellfish such as shrimp, crab, and red-spotted shrimp. Soft animals such as squid.

What are shrimp most closely related to?

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