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What are some animals that are quiet?

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Fish are the quietest animals in the world. Other quiet animals are owls, sloths, octopuses, beavers and domestic cats.

What are some animals that are quiet?

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FAQ for the last Day

  • Why is a sloths digestive system so slow?
  • The sloth digestion process works very slowly because food is difficult to process and body temperature fluctuates daily. Wild sloths have been found to have deep body temperatures ranging from 28 (...)

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  • 6. Sloths take 30 days to digest the leaves. Sloths have the lowest metabolic rate of any mammal, so it takes a long time to digest something.

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  • Бурогорлый ленивец—видмлекопитающихизсемействатрёх палыхленивцев. Самый многочисленный видэтого семейства. Встречается влесах ЮжнойиЦентральной Америки. Википедия

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  • Sloths are herbivores (plant eaters) and eat low-energy diets of leaves, twigs and fruits. 2 Santo. 2012г.

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    Do sloths eat meat? Yes. Sloths are natural (...)


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