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What are tentacles made of?

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These tentacles have an adhesive structure called coloblast or lasso cells. When the prey touches the tentacles, the coloblast bursts open, releasing the sticky thread that holds the food in place. Lion's mane jelly tentacles can be up to 37 m (121 ft) long.

What are the tentacles of a squid made of?

A set of eight arms and two distinctive tentacles surrounds the mouth. Each appendage is in the shape of a muscular hydrostat, is flexible, easy to grip, and usually has a disc-shaped suction cup.

What is the structure of the tentacles?

Tentacles are long protrusions containing blood vessels that are continuous with or continuous with body cavities. The tentacles have a row of very thin single-cell units called pinnals.

What are the tentacles of an octopus?

The sucker on the octopus's arm is called the sucker. The inner wall is the funnel and the central cavity is the acetabulum.

What if a human has tentacles?

If a human had a tentacle instead of a hand, it would have no effect, probably because the bones are restricting movement. Bone tentacles will incapacitate the user for the rest of their lives, especially in ancient times, without medication or surgery if they break.

What are tentacles made of?

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