Evolution gradually brings about morphological changes. The discovery of the first amphibian, the coelacanth, is important because it proves that amphibians evolved from fish-like organisms. Lobe-finned fish were the ancestors of modern frogs and salamanders. Therefore, the correct answer is option B. Early amphibians evolved from a lobe-finned fish with lungs and lobe-finned fish during the Devonian period. This is a feature that helps adapt to dry land. They diversified and became dominant during the Carboniferous and Permian, but were later replaced by reptiles and other vertebrates. Amphibians are amphibian vertebrates. Most amphibians hatch from eggs and then undergo aquatic larval stages before changing to adult air-breathing morphology. The amphibian class includes three orders: Anula (frog), Urodera (Salamander), and Apoda (Salamander). Looks strange (Lepospondyli), large and reptile-like (Temnospondyli).
Dozens of amphibians and anthracosauria have inhabited since the late Mississippi and Pennsylvania eras. True amphibians included edpoids, eriopoids, colossides, trimerolacoids, and microsaurus. Representatives of Anthracosauria included embolus, Baphetidae, and limnoceride.
How have amphibians evolved?
The first amphibians were the first vertebrates to evolve from lobe-finned fish about 370 million years ago during the Devonian period, transitioning from underwater life to land life. Despite the early colonization of terrestrial habitats, most amphibians did not completely break their relationship with aquatic organisms.
What are the properties of amphibians?
Animals and nature. Amphibians are a group of tetrapod vertebrates, including modern frogs and toads, Caecilians, newts and salamanders. The first amphibians evolved from Devonian lobe-finned fish about 370 million years ago.
What are the two types of prehistoric amphibians?
Prehistoric amphibians: Lepospondyli and Temnospondyli. As a rule, Carboniferous and Permian amphibians can be divided into two camps: small and strange looking (Lepospondyli) and large and reptile-like (Temnospondyli).
What are the earliest known ancestors of frogs?
The earliest known frog-like ancestor is Gerobatrachus, a toothed amphibian that lived about 290 million years ago. Another early frog was Triadobatrachus, an extinct genus of amphibians dating back 250 million years.
What were the ancestors of amphibians?
Early amphibians evolved from the Lobe-finned fish with lungs and lobe-finned fish in the Devonian period. This is a feature that helps adapt to dry land. They diversified and became dominant during the Carboniferous and Permian, but were later replaced by reptiles and other vertebrates.
What are the ancestors of frogs?
Ichthyostega, the prehistoric predecessor of modern frogs, lived in the Devonian 370 million years ago. This earliest known amphibian skeleton, sometimes referred to as the "first four-legged fish," was first discovered in East Greenland.
Are amphibians human ancestors?
Some of our ancestors lived underwater with four legs and a tail with fins. They are aquatic tetrapods that have increasingly moved to land after the end of the Devonian 359 million years ago. The inhabitants of these lands were the ancestors of all amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
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