Vertebrates are distinguished by having a spinal column. As a chordate, all vertebrates have similar anatomical structures and morphology with the same eligible features, such as the notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slit, and anal tail. 2021
What are the five characteristics of vertebrates?
Like all chordates, vertebrates have the notochord, dorsal, hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slit, and anal tail. 11th. 2015
What are the four characteristics of vertebrates?
Like chordates, vertebrates have the same common characteristics. Notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slit, posterior anal.
What are one of the characteristics of vertebrates?
General Functions Vertebrates have a distinct head with a differentiated tubular brain and three pairs of sensory organs (nose, vision, ears). The body is divided into trunk and tail areas. The presence of a pharyngeal slit with gills indicates a relatively high metabolic rate.
What are the characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates?
Differences in physical characteristics Vertebrates have a skeletal structure with a spinal column or spine. Invertebrates do not have a spine, but vertebrates have a well-developed internal skeleton of cartilage and bone and a highly developed brain surrounded by a skull.
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