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What are the different types of cabbage plants?

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What is the best cabbage variety?

Our top pick 1 Brunswick. If you're looking for cabbage that can be stored for a long time until winter, Brunswick is a popular choice. .. 2 Charleston Wakefield. This open pollinated heirloom variety dates back to 1892. 3 Earliana. .. 4 golden acres. .. January 5 King. .. 6 Late Flat Dutch. .. 7 mammoth red lock. .. 8Red Acre.9-The Gardener's Way

What kind of cabbage is the best cabbage variety to grow at home?

7 types of cabbage and how to use them Affordable and versatile, they appear in dishes all over the world. .. Cabbage cabbage. .. Bok-choy. .. Choy sum. .. Chinese cabbage. .. Savoy cabbage. .. January King cabbage. 7 Cabbage varieties and usage

What is the most common cabbage?

The most common type of cabbage is green cabbage (Brassica oleracea). The head of a large round cabbage is densely packed with dark leaves. The outer leaves of the cabbage head are usually medium to light green, fading to light green or white towards the center.

What is the easiest cabbage to grow?

The best way to get a cabbage head quickly is to choose varieties such as parel, rubycon, and fastball. These varieties take 45-50 days to harvest, in contrast to other varieties, which can take 140 days from planting to harvest.

What are the different types of cabbage plants?

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