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What are the different types of human beings?

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Homo sapiens is a species of the genus of hominids in the order of primates. At the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, about 40,000 years ago, its range already covers almost the entire globe. Wikipedia

What are the four types of humans?

On the list are Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, Indonesian hobbit-sized people, Homo erectus, and Homo naledi. This list also includes other species that existed close to the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, making them look more like chimpanzees than modern humans. 2021

What are the seven types of humans?

This is an introduction to New Scientists to help you understand a little more about the seven most important human species in the evolutionary tree. Homo habilis (a "convenient" person). Homo erectus ("Homo erectus"). Homo Neanderthals (Neanderthals). Denisovan. .. .. Homoflores ensis ("Hobit"). Homo naledi ("Starman") Ancient humans: What we know and what we don't know yet

How many types of humans are there?

According to the Smithsonian, there are 21 recognized human species. However, other papers list only 10-12 species of humans. Some lists do not include Denisovans, but some lists do not include Homo naledi, a hobbit-sized human species found in Indonesian caves. This may be because it looks more like a chimpanzee than we are.

What are the nine types of humans?

Apart from our species, the gallery includes Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo erectus, Homo predecessor, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo floresiensis (called "Hobit"), Homo Neanderthals. There are eight types of humans (Neanderthals). Recently discovered Homo naledi.

What are the different types of human beings?

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