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What are the disadvantages of owning a rabbit?

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List of Disadvantages of Keeping Rabbits as Pets Rabbits require a lot of cleanup work. the rabbit needs to be inside during extreme temperature events. the rabbit chews everything. rabbits can be surprisingly expensive. if not properly socialized, rabbits can be aggressive.

What's wrong with keeping a rabbit?

What are the biggest disadvantages of owning a rabbit? Rabbits are a 10-20 year commitment if it sounds like they don't buy over time. If not properly socialized, rabbits will scratch and bite. They poop 300-500 pellets a day and the cages stink. 2018

Is it bad to keep a rabbit?

Rabbits are one of the most popular exotic animals recently kept as pets and can make great companions when adopted into the right home. .. They don't take up a lot of space, don't have to go out, and are generally very quiet, making them ideal pets for small living quarters.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of keeping a rabbit?

Advantages and disadvantages of having a rabbit Advantages: Rabbits are obedient and easy to live in. Pros: Many varieties and personalities. Pros: Obedience and cleanliness. Disadvantages: Destructive and chaotic. Disadvantages: money, space, work. Disadvantages: They are not friends with dogs and cats. Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping Rabbits-Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the side effects of keeping a rabbit at home?

Pet rabbits are sweet and adorable companions around the family home. However, it is important not only to hug and feed the rabbit, but also to take care of it. Overgrown teeth. .. Snuffle. .. Ear mites. .. abscess. .. Gastrointestinal problems. .. Hairball. .. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Cancer.Indoor? Rabbits as pets?

What are the disadvantages of owning a rabbit?

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