The longest-lived animal of the earth's bowhead whale. Rough eye rock fish. Freshwater pearl oysters. Greenland shark. Tube worm. Arctica islandica. Black coral. Glass sponge.
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The heaviest terrestrial mammal is the African elephant, which weighs up to 5.4 tons (6 short tons). This giant mammal measures 10 to 13 feet on the shoulder and consumes about 230 kilograms (500 (...)
The best way to determine if a cow is a cow and a bull is a bull is to look for the presence of the udder or scrotum between the hind legs, respectively. Bulls are plain (often brown) individuals, (...)
In fact, the longest blue whale ever measured was 111 feet long. This is the length of the three school buses that stop from end to end. Scientists have identified two causes for the huge size of (...)
Largest Whale: Blue Whale (200 tonnes) 100 feet 200 tonnes of blue whale is not only the largest mammal in the world, but also the largest vertebrate ever inhabited. this cetacean can vocalize at (...)