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What are the main parts of an ant's body?

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Like all insects, the ant's body is divided into three main parts: the head, chest, and abdomen. Ants have a hard, waterproof exoskeleton made of a material called chitin.

What is the most important part of an ant?

The lower jaw is the most important tool for ants. Since ants cannot grab their forelimbs, they use their lower limbs to carry and carry things like human hands. The mandible can also be used to chew, crush, cut, dig, fight and hunt. 2009

What is an ant's body?

Ants, like all other insects, have three body parts. It has a head, chest, and abdomen. They also have an outer skeleton called the exoskeleton. It's like an armor coat made of durable and protective material.

What are the parts of the body that ants do not have?

They lack a proper heart, but have a pumping organ called the dorsal aorta that pumps blood toward the head, achieving a small electric current. Unlike blood, blood lymph does not carry oxygen. Therefore, ants (and all other insects) are completely lung-deficient.

What is the largest part of an ant's body?

All about ANTS. The ant's body is made up of three parts. This is the back and is the largest part of the ant's body. Eyes and antennae extend from the head.

What are the main parts of an ant's body?

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