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What are the numbers on top and bottom of blood pressure?

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When a medical professional measures blood pressure, it is represented by two numbers. One is the upper (systolic) and the other is the lower (diastole). For example, 120/80 mmHg. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury.

What is more important for systolic or diastolic blood pressure?

Over the years, research has shown that both numbers are equally important in monitoring heart health. However, most studies have shown an increased risk of stroke and heart disease associated with elevated systolic blood pressure compared to elevated diastolic blood pressure.

Which is worse, the upper limit or the lower limit of blood pressure?

Systolic blood pressure reflects the pressure of the heart, and diastolic blood pressure reflects the state of blood pressure. Both measurements are important, but many physicians believe that systolic blood pressure is a better predictor of hypertension complications such as heart disease and stroke.

What do the lower and upper limits mean for blood pressure?

The highest systolic blood pressure measures the force exerted on the arterial wall each time the heart beats. The lowest number, diastolic blood pressure, measures the force the heart exerts on the arterial wall during a heartbeat.

Is 140 a good blood pressure above 70?

High and low blood pressure The generally accepted criteria for "normal" blood pressure are 90/60 to less than 120/80. If your blood pressure is consistently lower than 90/60, your blood pressure is low. Blood pressure between 120/80 and 140/90 is still considered normal.

What are the numbers on top and bottom of blood pressure?

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