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What are the threats to the mandrill?

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The striking colors of the adult male Mandrillus sphinx are a popular attraction for wildlife enthusiasts visiting Central Africa. However, they are threatened by bushmeat hunting, habitat loss and fragmentation and are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species.

Why is the Mandrill Monkey endangered?

The baboon mandrill is the largest monkey. .. Found only in tropical forests of Gabon, Cameroon and Congo, and best known for its striking blue and red face markings on men, the mandrill is endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Is considered to be. 1999

What is Mandrill's enemy?

Mandrill belongs to the genus Mandrill. What are Mandrill Predators? Mandrill predators include leopards, eagles and snakes.

Is Mandrill Endangered?

Уязвимые Мандрил / Природоохранный статус

Why do people hunt mandrills?

They are often hunted as bushmeats, and many Africans consider them a delicacy. Mandrill feels the expansion of agriculture and the pressure on human settlements. Both are shrinking the rainforest hometown.

What are the threats to the mandrill?

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