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What are the three suborders of anurans?

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Anura is a type of amphibian animal, including frogs and toads. More than 5,000 species are listed in order. Living anuras are usually divided into three suborders: Archaeobatrachia, Mesobatrachia, and Salientia.

How many types of Anuran are there?

Anuran's diversity is the largest in the tropics. Currently, 25 families are recognized, representing more than 4,000 species and are regularly discovered.

What are the three major subgroups of amphibians?

Amphibians can be divided into three groups: frogs and toads, salamanders and newts, and Caecilians [pronounced cesileen]. Scientists have discovered more than 4000 species of amphibians. About 3,500 amphibian species are frogs and toads.

How many families are there?

There are 29 families that make up the Knights of Anura.

What is the classification of Anura?

Прыгающие Бесхвостые земноводные / Отряд

What are the three suborders of anurans?

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