10 Main types of turtles. Leatherback turtles are all turtle giants. Loggerhead turtle. The next list of turtles is the loggerhead turtle. green turtle. Kemp's turtle. hawksbill turtle. flatback turtle. Olive Ridley Turtle. Mississippia red-eared slider.
What are the most common types of turtles?
Box turtles are generally considered to be the most common turtle species in the United States. Box turtles are part of the Emmydidae family. Box turtles are found on five of the seven continents, and the Pond turtle family is the largest turtle family in the world.
What are the seven turtles?
Seven species of sea turtle, green turtle, Chelonia mydas. .. Loggerhead turtle, loggerhead turtle. .. Hawksbill turtle, Eretmochely simbricata. .. Leatherback turtle, Dermochely scoriacea. .. Kemp's turtle, Lepidochelyskempii. .. Olive ridley turtle, Lepidochely solivacea. .. Flatback turtle, Natator depressus. 7 species of sea turtles
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