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What are the types of canal systems in sponges?

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There are usually three types of canals that you meet in a sponge: asconoid type, syconoid type, and leuconoid type.

What is the type of sponge canal system?

The three major types of canal systems, in order of increasing complexity, are asconoids, siconoids, and leuconoids (2). Asconoid canal system. Current pores that pass through the polosite and enter the sponge. ) Sponge Canal System

What is the Canal System and its Type?

✴ The canal system is a system of passages connecting various cavities of the animal's body (coral, sponge, etc.). ✴ Canal system type: ⭐ Ascon type, flagellar sponge. .. ⭐ Ryukon type, with worm chamber. ⭐ Ragon type with a conical shape and a wide bottom.

What kind of canal system does most sponges have?

In most syconoid sponges (eg Scypha), the radial canal is adjacent to an inflowing canal that passes through the water that enters the pores. Other openings (prosopills) allow water to enter the choanocytes, from which water enters the internal cavity directly and exits through the pores.

What kind of tubing system do sponges have?

The canal system of Leukosolenia is an ascon type. This is the simplest type of canal system found on sponges. Water enters the central spongy process lined with choanocytes directly through the mouth and exits through the vesicles. As for the canal system of the cyclocomputer type, the cyclocomputer and the leukon type can be seen in Spongilla.

What are the types of canal systems in sponges?

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