What is a small fish?
The muddy Black Sea of peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia is home to the world's smallest fish, the dwarf minnow of the genus Paedocypris. This extreme environment, characterized by hypoxia and high acidity, is home to several miniaturized fish species. 2018
What is the smallest known fish?
According to a study published in the journal Proceedings B published by the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, scientists have found the smallest known fish in the peat swamps of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Cyprinidae individuals can be as long as 7.9 mm at maturity.
What are the little fish on the beach?
50 of the best small fish and marine animals in OceanPygmy Seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti). Kerbish (Centropyge argi). Fairy Baslet (Gramma loreto). Isoginpo (Ophioblennius macclurei). Sailfin Blenny (Emblemaria pandionis). Blennies (Lucayablennius zingaro). Yellowhead Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons) 50 Best Small Fish and Marine Animals in the Sea-Sports Diver
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