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What are Xin Xin and Shuan Shuan known for?

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XinXin and Shuan Shuan are the main attractions of the Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City, but according to zoo officials, what makes them really unique is that they are the only giant pandas in the world that are not owned by China. .. he said that between 1980 and 1990, eight more pandas were born in Mexico, but only four survived. 16th. 2020г.

Who gave the panda to Mexico?

She is the daughter of the giant pandas "Ying Ying" and "PePe", which were given to Mexico by the Chinese government on September 10, 1975. In 1980, the couple were their first offspring, Xen Li (first live outside of China), and unfortunately Xen Li lived for only eight days.

Are there any pandas that China doesn't own?

The Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City is unique in that it is home to two giant pandas. Xin Xin and Xuan Xuan are the only giant pandas in the world that are not owned by China.

Does anyone own a panda?

Pandas are very cute, but they do not affect the ecosystem very much and deprive many endangered species of flora and fauna a lot of resources. .. The Chinese government owns almost every giant panda on the planet. And American zoos will pay up to $ 1 million a year to rent just one.

Does China own all giant pandas?

Yes, China owns almost all the giant pandas that exist there, and they are the legitimate property of China that is lent to various countries.

What are Xin Xin and Shuan Shuan known for?

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