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What body parts do slugs have?

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Learning Goal Shell: Some slug species have a visible shell. Respiratory hole (Pneumostorm) mantle marking. Tentacles: The ones on the top include the eyes. Sole: The underside of the slug. Foot fringe: The edges of the foot may be striped or plain. Stripes and spots: Slug color pattern.

What is the main part of the slug?

General body structure. The snail's body consists of five main parts: the head, neck, visceral hump, tail, and feet. Slugs have the same important parts, except for the humps and shells of the internal organs.

What kind of body does a slug have?

Mollusk phylum (Kingdom Animaria): Mollusks are derived from the Latin root of "soft", a group of animals such as slugs, snails, squids, scallops, octopuses, oysters and clams. There are legs, head, and lumps.

Do slugs have a heart?

Inside the trunk below the part covered on the left side of the mantle is its heart. The heart has only two chambers (there are four!) The slugs have blood! Their blood contains white blood cells (amoeba cells) and hemocyanins, which carry oxygen to the cells of slugs and carry away carbon dioxide.

Do slugs have three hearts?

Most species have two chambers. The atrium that receives blood lymph from the gills or lungs and the ventricle that feeds it into the aorta. However, some primitive abdominal feet have two gills, each supplying its own pinna, so the heart has three atria.

What body parts do slugs have?

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