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What breeds are a Basenji?

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Outside of Africa, the Basenji breed was originally found in Congo. These dogs hunted using both scent and sight, and were originally used to pour small games into hunter nets and control rodent populations in the village. Nowadays, they also become part of a wonderful, loving, furry family.

What varieties make Basenji?

Basenji is a type of hunting dog. It was bred from a strain that originated in Central Africa. Fédération Cynologique Internationale classifies this variety into Spitz and primitive types. Basenji makes a yodel-like sound due to the unusual shape of the larynx. .. Basenji.hide Kennel Club Standards FCIstandard

Is Basenji a good dog?

Basenji is an active dog and needs to take good walks and run every day. They do agility and like to perform lure courses. Basenji is no longer used much for hunting, but it makes a very nice family dog ​​and lives until about 13 years old. Basenji can provide strong protection for your family.

What kind of animal is Basenji?

Basenji is a small dog with a distinctive, well-curled tail. The wedge-shaped face with wrinkles on the forehead is also unique to this variety. They are elegant athletic dogs with white paws and white paws at the tips of the chest and tail. Their eyes are small and in the shape of almonds.

Is Basenji a rare variety?

Basenji is currently the 85th most common AKC variety. .. Basenji is more popular than it used to be, but it is still relatively rare compared to other varieties. As a result, the number of shelter dogs labeled as Basenji Mix is ​​suspiciously high.

What breeds are a Basenji?

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