What do elephants eat?

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Most of it is hay – Willy alone up to £ 300! – But they also eat and “browse” produce and trees. Elephants are herbivores that feed on grass and leaves and use their powerful trunks to dig roots and break large tree branches. 5 Santo. 2017 г.

What is your favorite food for elephants?

Wild elephants eat as many as 200 species of plants in a year, but grass and bamboo (a type of grass) are the staple foods of choice. Elephants also eat vines, wild palms, wild bananas, various shrubs, leaves and bark of certain trees, and even plants that act as herbs.

What are the five things an elephant eats?

Elephants consume grass, small plants, bushes, fruits, twigs, bark and roots. Tree bark is an elephant's favorite food source. Contains calcium and roughage to aid digestion. The fangs are chopped into the trunk and used to remove bark debris.

Do elephants eat meat?

They cannot "choose" not to actually eat meat, and they cannot be vegetarian because they choose to be vegetarian. They are actually herbivores. About 5% of their diet is protein from the plant ants, insects, larvae and bird eggs they eat. .. Little-known fact: Elephants actually eat meat.

What do elephants drink and eat?

As a herbivore, elephants consume grass, leaves, bark, twigs and other plants daily. Elephants can also drink up to 50 gallons of water a day, as much as a standard bathtub. Elephants are keystone species that affect the composition of the environment while benefiting other species.

What do elephants eat?

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