Giraffes need a wide tie to cover their neck more. At fashion shows, I wear rough collars.
How does a giraffe wear a shirt?
Most people conclude that they wear a tie at the bottom of their neck. This is where humans wear ties. And the dress shirt goes to the bottom of the neck, so if the tie is placed under the collar, the answer should be the bottom of the neck. .. The giraffe clearly wears the same shirt as a human. 2016
Where should a giraffe wear a bow tie?
The bow tie is at the top of the neck, but the regular tie is at the base. Get off at London Zoo and ask Kirin.
How does Brontosaurus wear a tie?
Brontosaurus tie etiquette varied from place to place. During the dinosaur job interview, he wore Style 2 and covered the dinosaur's button-down buttons. At weddings and formal gatherings, he wore Style 1 to emphasize neck length (status marker).
How does a giraffe support her neck?
This is called "necking". Male giraffes use a heavy skull like a club to whiplash their neck. The longer and thicker the neck, the more likely the giraffe will win the battle.
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