Take your eye problems seriously and if you think you have any problems with your rabbit's eyes, consult your vet immediately. There is no cure for blindness in rabbits unless a removable cataract causes blindness. 7 Santo. 2021
How can I help a blind rabbit?
10 Tips for Caring for the Blind Rabbit 1 Do not move the furniture. .. 2 Limit the roaming area and block access to the stairs. 3 Always return the rabbit to the "home base" so that you know exactly where you are. .. 4 Talk to the rabbit to let him know that you are there. Tofu Tuesday: 10 Tips for Taking Care of Blind Rabbits-10 Tips for Bunny Sweets.
Can rabbits survive blindly?
Blind rabbits can still lead a fulfilling and happy life. Even if your rabbits have visual impairment at an early age, they can learn to walk around and have fun. Even without eyesight, rabbits can use other senses to grasp their surroundings and lead a normal life.
How can I tell if a rabbit is blind?
If the rabbit is surprised by hitting an object or approaching a sound or object on a regular basis, the rabbit may be blind or partially visible. They may also move slowly and cautiously and become nervous in new places. Many visually impaired rabbits tend to stay near the wall when exploring.
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