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What do slugs mostly eat?

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What they eat: Slugs eat plant leaves, stems, roots, spoilage substances, plant debris, fungi, and earthworms.

What do slugs like to eat?

Snails and slugs have evolved to eat almost everything. They are herbivorous, carnivorous, omnivorous, and corrosive (eating rotten waste from plants and other animals). There are specialist and generalist species that eat worms, plants, rotten plants, animal excrement, fungi, and other snails.

What foods attract slugs?

For ease of collection, you can prepare your favorite food and attract it to several places. Slugs and snails are engrossed in citrus and melon peels, small piles of oatmeal and bran, moistened dry dog ​​food, and of course a shallow beer pot. Each of these under the board provides a place for slugs to actually gather.

What do slugs eat to survive?

Slugs act as scavengers and eat both dead plants and animals. They help get rid of dead and rotten leaf debris on the ground, as well as the insects, birds and other animals they encounter. They will also eat biodegradable debris such as fungi, paper, compost and bark.

What do slugs hate the most?

There are certain plants that slugs dislike, such as the strong scent of mint, chives, garlic, geranium, foxtail, and fennel. Plant them around the edge of your garden to prevent them.

What do slugs mostly eat?

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