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What do snails need to live?

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All snail seeds require oxygen, food, water, and proper temperature and humidity to survive. It has existed in human life since ancient times, and many terrestrial snails are considered garden pests. Eating snails is common in some cultures, and creatures can be cultivated as a gastronomic delicacy. October. 2019г.

How do you keep snails alive?

Wet or dry cat or dog food, or small pieces of turtle food are also good snail food. Snails also need a source of calcium and minerals to make their shells, so put egg shells or natural chalk in the tank as well. We can also provide squid from pet shops. 2021

Can snails be kept as pets?

Snails are interesting creatures to see and are demanding pets. They are cheaper to breed, feed, and maintain and do not occupy much space compared to traditional pets such as dogs and cats. Most people can find snails in their backyard and turn them into pets, but some pet stores also sell snails. 2017

What do small snails need to survive?

Snails are herbivorous animals and can feed lettuce leaves, cabbage leaves, carrots, cucumbers, apple slices, and pieces of fruits and vegetables. They also need a source of calcium. You can provide it with squid bones, a piece of plain chalk or eggshell. Calcium is needed to keep the shell strong.

What do snails need in their tanks?

Algae. Algae are the main food source for snails. Even in the absence of fish, algae grow naturally in the aquarium. The more light the tank receives and the hotter the water, the more algae grow on the walls, gravel, ornaments and plants of the tank.

What do snails need to live?

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