Some heart attacks begin with mild, slowly accumulating chest pain. There is also severe pain on the left or center of the chest, which can start very suddenly. Other symptoms of a heart attack include chest compressions, compressions, and compressions.
What are the four silent signs of a heart attack?
The good news is that you can prepare by knowing these four silent signs of a heart attack. Chest pain, pressure, bloating, or discomfort. .. Discomfort in other areas of your body. .. Dyspnea and dizziness. .. Nausea and cold sweat. 4 Silent Heart Attack Signs-Pen Medicine
How can I rule out a heart attack at home?
Heart attack 1 Chest, especially left side pain, compression, or compression. 2 Neck, chin line, back, upper body such as stomach, or one or both arms (especially left) 3 shortness of breath. 4 Sudden sweat or clumsiness. 5 Nausea and vomiting. 6 are strange. Symptoms of Spot Heart Attack, Stroke, Angina-WebMD
How do you feel in the early stages of a heart attack?
You may feel uncomfortable pressure, pressure, bloating, or pain. Discomfort in other parts of the upper body. Symptoms include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, chin, or stomach. shortness of breath.
What can be mistaken for a heart attack?
What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack that are more likely than heartburn? Heartburn, neck, chin, chest and arm tightness, tension, pain, tightness, pain that may spread to the back. Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain. shortness of breath. Cold sweat. fatigue. Heartburn or heart attack: When to worry-Mayo Clinic
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