Flocks of birds symbolize many things based on the time they see. 1. If you see it in the morning, you may have moved to the feeding area. 2. What does the blackbird herd symbolize? --Quora When a flock of birds flies together in a pattern, or when birds fly together in a large group, how do they all know which why birds flock together Do you fly? --Quora Другиерезультатыссайта www.quora.com
What does it mean for a flock of birds to fly by you?
It's called a tweet. Have you ever seen a tweet? If you have, you will know it. Seeing hundreds and even thousands of starlings flying together in a swirling, ever-changing pattern is a natural phenomenon that surprises and delights those lucky enough to witness it.
What does it mean to have a lot of birds?
"Birds can also flock as a way to find food in the winter, a kind of collaborative effort, but that's a guess," he said. All birds gather in the same place where the sun sets, and in a process called "roost", they choose patches of isolated trees where they spend the night.
What does a large flock of birds do?
"All birds get together and cause sensory overload on predators," says Williams. .. Simply put, this means that the larger the flock, the lower the mathematical odds that the bird can eat. Large herds also promote higher feeding efficiencies as birds share information about food sources.
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