What does ˈswīn mean?

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What does a pig mean?

1: Any of a variety of tough, short-legged, omnivorous evening-toed mammals (Suidae) with thick bristle skin and a long, flexible nose: especially: domesticated offspring of the boar. The one. 2: A derogatory person.

Is the word pig a blasphemous word?

When you call someone a pig, you either hate them or think they are bad people. This is usually because they behaved unpleasantly towards you. Pigs are pigs. ..

Where did the term pig come from?

Middle English pigs, pigs, Old English swīn, Proto-German language * swīn, Proto-German language * swīną, Proto-Indo-European * suH- en.

What is the plural form of pig?

Pig. / (Swaɪn) / Noun. Plural pigs are crude or derogatory.

What does ˈswīn mean?

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