The word amphibian is derived from the Greek word amphibian and means "to live a double life." The roots of the amphibian noun are in amphi, which means "both kinds," and bios, which means "life." The term is used for animal classes that spend part of their lives underwater and part on land.
What is the common name for amphibians?
The three modern orders for amphibians are Anula (frog), Urodera (Salamander), and Apoda (Caecilians). There are about 8,000 known amphibian species, nearly 90% of which are frogs.
What does the amphibian name mean Quizlet?
Terms in this set (25) Meaning of amphibians. Double life. Define amphibian animals. Cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water and land.
What does amphibian mean in Greek?
The term amphibian comes from the Greek word amphibious. Amphi means "both" and BIOS means "life". These names represent two lives in which many amphibians live. One is underwater during the larval stage and the other is on land during the adult stage.
Why amphibians are the right names
All amphibians spend part of their lives on water and land. This is the origin of their name. "Amphibian" comes from the Greek word for "double life." Some of these animals are born with gills and grow as they transform into adults, while others retain them for life.
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