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What family does a rabbit belong to?

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Rabbit-A family of lagomorphic mammals, actually including rabbits and rabbits. Hares are distributed all over the world except Antarctica and remote islands, many of which were brought in by humans. Different from pikas Wikipedia

Are rabbits rodents or mammals?

Rabbits, also known as bunny or bunny rabbits, are small mammals of the Leporidae (with rabbits) of the order Lagomorphs (with pikas). The Oryctolagus cuniculus includes European rabbit species and their descendants, as well as 305 breeds of rabbits from around the world.

Do rabbits belong to the rat family?

Rabbits are members of the Leporidae, one of two families of lagomorphic mammals (excluding the Ochotonidae or pika families). .. .. Rabbits and other lagomorphs were classified as rodents (rodents) until the early 20th century. This family includes rats, squirrels, mice and marmots.

Which animal is the rabbit associated with?

Rabbits and wild rabbits have long been classified as close relatives of rodents (mice, rats, squirrels), but in a new study, long-eared hoppers are primates, or mammals including monkeys. We conclude that it is more closely related to the order of the squirrel. Apes and humans.

What family does a rabbit belong to?

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