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What is a collective noun of porpoises?

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Harbor porpoises (which are likely to contain dolphins in this regard) are associated with four collective nouns: school, herd, pod, and game. 18янв. 2014г.

What is the collective noun of mosquitoes?

A group of dolphins is called a pod. Dolphins are social mammals that interact with each other, swim together, protect each other, and seek food as a team. Podlife plays a very important role in protecting dolphins from predators such as sharks.

What is the collective noun of a whale?

Pods are the most common collective noun for groups of whales, but are sometimes referred to as games, herds, or schools. The pod is home to 2 to 30 whales and is usually composed of whales with biological connections such as mother and son.

What is the general term for orca?

The group of killer whales (Orcas Orcinus) is traditionally known as "pods". Due to the popularity and familiarity of this term, it is now often used to refer to whales and groups of whales in general.

What is the generic name for the giraffe group?

A group of giraffes is called a tower. These amazing animals can be found in the plains of Africa, where they use their long necks to reach the leaves at the top of the tree. They are so tall and soaring over bushes and other animals that it was their long neck that helped give them a group name! Fox skull.

What is a collective noun of porpoises?

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