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What is a community of elephants called?

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Family groups are called herds. The herd is made up of all mother elephants and their babies. The family can have 6 to 12 members. Female elephants stay in the flock forever. Male elephants leave between the ages of 7 and 12. They live alone or in small herds of males.

What is an elephant crowd?

Elephant populations can be defined as a community of individuals linked by genetic and social relationships between mating and parent-child relationships. For example, Amboseli elephant populations utilize the cross-border areas of Kenya and Tanzania on the north and northwest sides of Kilimanjaro.

What does Tow call a group of elephants?

A group of elephants is commonly referred to as a herd, but less commonly, as a parade. .. A typical herd is headed by a female elephant patriarch. This patriarch is usually the oldest in the group and informally leads the herd. Herds usually consist of most of her offspring and their own offspring. 2021

What do you call an elephant habitat?

They are most often found in savanna, grasslands and forests, but occupy a variety of habitats such as deserts, swamps and highlands in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. .. Forest elephant (Loxodontacyclotis).

What is a community of elephants called?

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