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What is a group of beavers called?

Animal Expert
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Beaver. Beaver colony. bee. A flock, flock, or hive of bees. 17th. 2019г.

What is the name of the beaver group?

AnimalCollective NounIn It's Written ContextBeaversfamilya family of beaversBeaverscolonya Colony of beaversBeesbikea Bike of beesBeescasta cast of bees

What is a group of snakes?

Groups are called Snakedens or Pits. When someone refers to a snake's burrow, the word is used as a collective noun. In addition to the study or hole, one may use another collective noun, such as a snake knot or a snake bed. ..

What is a group of squirrels?

Usually weighs about 1 to 1.5 pounds (0.45 to 0.68 kg). A group of squirrels is called a scary or dray.

What is a group of sloths called?

Sloth cuddling As you can see, the sloth cuddling is the overwhelming winner, and this has become the most popular term for the sloth group!

What is a group of beavers called?

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