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What is a sparrow known for?

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They have the ability to fly at speeds of 38.5 km / h and can even reach 50 km / h. Male and female house sparrows can be easily distinguished by the color of their feathers. Males have a reddish back and a black bib, and females have a striped pattern on their brown back. Sparrows grow three nests of 3-5 eggs. 20 min. 2018 г.

What is special about sparrows?

Sparrows are very small birds. They can reach 4-8 inches in length and 0.8-1.4 ounces in weight. Sparrows do not belong to the group of waterfowl, but they can swim very fast to escape predators. .. Sparrows can survive four to five years in the wild.

What is the character of a sparrow?

Characteristics of sparrows: Social • Witty • Unobtrusive • Opportunistic • Lack of concentration • Flying qualities. Scientific name: Passer domesticus. Generic name: Sparrow fight.

What do sparrows do?

They are sociable, eat crowded herds, and squeeze out crumbs and seeds on the ground. House sparrows are often found on bird feeders. You may also see them bathing in a puddle on the side of the street, bathing in the sand outdoors, rippling their feathers, and repelling water and dust in a similar motion.

What is a sparrow known for?

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