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What is a symbol of love and peace?

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The pigeon has long been regarded as a symbol of love and peace. 23янв. 2019г.

What is a symbol of love?

The mind is the most widely recognized and well-known symbol of love. It is a globally recognized symbol of love and is used in a variety of designs to represent love and loyalty, such as Irish claddagh.

What is the true symbol of peace?

The use of pigeons as a symbol of peace often stems from early Christians who painted baptisms with pigeons in their tombs.

Which animal is the symbol of love?

The dove symbolizes both peach and love. They are almost universal symbols of harmony. The dove was chosen to show passion because Greek mythology associated a small white bird with the goddess of love, Aphrodite (known in Roman mythology as Venus).

Which bird is the symbol of peace?

The use of doves and olive branches as a symbol of peace portrayed the act of baptism with a dove with an olive branch in its beak by early Christians, who used the statue in their tombs. It has its origins in particular.

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