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What is ataxic gaits in psychology?

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Ataxic gait is defined as failure of muscle coordination and is characterized by irregular foot placement, wide base, and instability. From: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2003.

What is ataxic gait?

Ataxia is usually defined as the presence of abnormal and uncoordinated movements. This usage is a sign and a symptom that is not related to a particular illness. Unstable and staggering gaits are called ataxic gaits because they appear to be uncoordinated and "unordered."

What is the cause of ataxic gait?

Ataxic gait disturbances are caused by dysfunction of the cerebellum, which is the part of the brain involved in motor coordination. Typical causes of cerebellar ataxia include cerebellar stroke, alcoholism or chronic alcohol abuse, and multiple system atrophy-cerebellar type (MSA-C).

How do you test ataxic gait?

Image inspection. A CT scan or MRI of the brain may help identify potential causes. MRI may show contractions of the cerebellum and other brain structures in people with ataxia. It may also show other treatable findings that may be compressing the cerebellum, such as blood clots or benign tumors.

What is cerebellar walking?

The clinical features of cerebellar ataxic gait usually include base enlargement, step instability and irregularity, and lateral diversion. The movement of people with cerebellar ataxia is characterized by a longer stance and longer limb support time, which significantly reduces the number of steps.

What is ataxic gaits in psychology?

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