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What is bad about rain water?

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Rainwater can carry potentially sick bacteria, parasites, viruses and chemicals and is associated with the development of the disease. The risk of illness from stormwater can vary by location, frequency of rain, seasons, and how rainwater is collected and stored.

Is rainwater good or bad?

Safety of Drinking Stormwater As long as the stormwater is clean, there is essentially nothing dangerous or bad about drinking stormwater. In fact, many communities around the world rely on stormwater as their primary source of drinking water. 2020

Is the rainwater dirty?

Stormwater is as clean as its container. Collect and drink only the rain that falls directly from the sky. Do not touch plants or buildings. By boiling and filtering rainwater, you can drink it more safely.

Is it bad to drink rainwater?

As just mentioned, stormwater is almost always safe to drink. Drinking rainwater directly from a water source can be risky as it can pick up pollutants in the air and, in some cases, may contain parts of insects. To drink water safely, be sure to get it from a bottled water company.

Can humans drink rainwater?

Most rainwater is completely safe to drink and cleaner than most public water, but without proper decontamination processes, all water can be potentially dangerous. It is important to understand that there is sex. 2020г.

What is bad about rain water?

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