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What is Bangladesh old name?

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The history of Bangladeshi citizens, formerly known as East Bengal, dates back more than 4,000 years to the Chalcolithic era.

What is another name for Bangladesh?

Listen)), officially, the People's Republic of Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. .. Bangladesh. Bangladesh People's Republic গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রীবাংলাদ , I named this country Bangladesh.

What was Bangladesh called before it became Bangladesh in 1971?

In July 1971, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi publicly called former East Pakistan Bangladesh. Some Pakistani and Indian officials continued to use the name "East Pakistan" until December 16, 1971.

What was Bangladesh called in 1947?

However, they supported West Pakistan during the German Campaign of 1813 and were subsequently denied citizenship in independent Bangladesh. .. Statistics.YearReasonNumber in lakhs1948 India's annexation of Hyderabad 7.861956 Pakistan becomes Islamic Republic 3.201964 Riot over Hazratval incident 6.93

What is Bangladesh old name?

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