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What is considered stroke level high blood pressure?

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Blood pressure measurements above 180/120 mmHg are considered dangerously high at stroke levels and require immediate medical attention. June 2021 High blood pressure can cause stroke in several ways: it damages the walls of blood vessels and weakens them. It can speed up the common form of heart disease. Blood clots and plaque can destroy the arterial wall and block the cerebral arteries. What are the healthy and unhealthy ranges of blood pressure in people at risk of stroke? Blood pressure should be kept as close to 120/80 as possible to avoid cardiovascular complications. As mentioned above, 120 is the systolic (active) number and 80 is the diastolic (resting) pressure between the heartbeats. Dangerous hypertension means that systolic measurements exceed 170 or 180, or diastolic measurements exceed 100 or 110.

Blood pressure measurements above 180/120 mmHg are considered dangerously high at stroke levels and require immediate treatment.

How does high blood pressure affect the risk of stroke?

Extremely high blood pressure can damage blood vessels, weaken arteries in the brain, and increase the risk of stroke. In the United States, high blood pressure or high blood pressure is the main cause of stroke. However, understanding risk factors and blood pressure readings can help people seek appropriate treatment.

What is the blood pressure range for stroke?

Like high blood pressure, low blood pressure can cause complications such as dizziness, respiratory problems, heart and kidney disease, and stroke. What are the healthy and unhealthy ranges of blood pressure in people at risk of stroke? Blood pressure should be kept as close to 120/80 as possible to avoid cardiovascular complications. What is considered

Dangerous blood pressure measurement?

Blood pressure measurements above 180/120 mmHg are considered stroke levels and are dangerously high and require immediate medical attention. What are the symptoms of high blood pressure? High blood pressure is sometimes called a silent killer because of the fact that most people are asymptomatic, but the general signs of symptoms are:

If my blood pressure is 140/90, is stroke almost guaranteed?

Medical review by Susan L. Besser, MD. Is stroke almost guaranteed when blood pressure rises above a certain number? If the top number (systole) is at least 140 and the bottom number (diastole) is at least 90, this is considered hypertension (hypertension).

What should I do if my blood pressure is over 100 and 160?

If your blood pressure is very high (above 160/100, or if either number is high), you do not need to determine. You always need medicine to lower your blood pressure.

When should I go to the emergency outpatient department for hypertension?

If your blood pressure rises above 180/120 and you are experiencing warning symptoms (chest / backache, shortness of breath, severe headache, dizziness, numbness / weakness, loss of vision, or difficulty speaking) Then you need to go immediately, without waiting for your blood pressure to be reconfirmed.

Do I need to worry if my blood pressure is 150100?

As a general guideline: hypertension is considered to be 140/90 mmHg or higher (or 150/90 mmHg or higher for those over 80 years old) Ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be 90/60 mmHg 120 / 80mmHg.

What is considered stroke level high blood pressure?

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