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What is group of olive ridley turtles?

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In the Indian Ocean, the majority of olive ridley turtles nest in two or three large groups near Gahilmata in Orissa. The coast of Orissa, India is one of the species. Species: L. olivacea Class: Reptile Family: Genus Cheloniidae: Lepidochelys

What is a group of green turtles?

They often gather in large groups to land and nest. This is called alibada — in Spanish it means “arrival”.

What is a group of turtle eggs called?

A group of eggs is called a clutch. They usually lay 100-125 eggs per nest and nest multiple times at intervals of about 2 weeks over several months. As soon as the eggs hatch (about 2 months later), the newly hatched turtles are dug out of their nests.

What is the nesting group of Kemp's turtles called?

Adult female olive ridley turtles gather from nesting beaches in northeastern Mexico and land in large groups called alibada, which means "arrival" in Spanish.

Why are olive ridley turtles so called?

Olive ridley turtles are the smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles found in the world in the warm waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. .. The olive ridley turtle grows to about 2 feet in length and weighs 50 kg, and is named after its heart-shaped, rounded olive-colored shell.

What is group of olive ridley turtles?

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