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What is it called when you don't know emotions?

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Alexithymia is when it is difficult for a person to identify and express emotions. It is not a mental health disorder. People with alexithymia may have problems maintaining relationships and participating in social situations. There are certain conditions, such as mental illness and associated antisocial personality disorders, in which certain types of emotions cannot be felt. This may be related to limbic abnormalities, that is, areas of the brain associated with emotional processing. Slowed effect is a scientific term for an individual's lack of emotional responsiveness. This manifests itself as the inability to express emotions verbally or non-verbally, even when talking about problems that are normally expected to be involved in emotions.

What emotions do you feel?

A lack of strong emotions may indicate emotional dysfunction or the presence of mental health or personality disorders. Emotional separation is the avoidance of emotional connections. Emotional separation, often referred to as apathy, is accompanied by positive or negative emotions and lack of emotion.

What do you call a person who does not express emotions?

Some people don't feel comfortable expressing their emotions, while others choose a lot of words to explain it, but there are some words that I'm reluctant to add. The word is psychopath. This is especially the person who lacks or has very few feelings of empathy.

Is it possible that your emotions cannot be identified?

Looks like a joke, but it's not an exaggerated scenario. There is a personality trait that may be considered asymptomatic, called alexithymia. I can't recognize, identify, or explain my feelings.

Why do people with personality disorders lack emotional response?

People with personality disorders generally experience emotional reactions such as bonds, empathy, and compassion because they do not handle social experiences and emotions as they do unaffected people. You can not. Moreover, their emotional behavior, or lack thereof, rarely changes. Autism and lack of emotional response

Can a person have no emotions?

Emotional numbness, or generally lack of emotion, can be a symptom of several different medical conditions or a side effect of some medications. It can cause a feeling of isolation and emotional disconnection from other parts of the world. Numbness can be intolerable to many who experience it.

What is alexithymia?

Alexithymia is an asymptomatic phenomenon with a lack of emotional cognition, more specifically the identification and explanation of emotions, and the difficulty in distinguishing between emotions and the sensation of emotional arousal (). Nemiah et al., 1976).

What is it called when you don't know emotions?

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