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What is normal blood pressure according to the American College of Cardiology?

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BP Treatment Goals: When comparing guidelines, the definition of normal (used in ACC / AHA guidelines) or optimal BP (used in ESC / ESH guidelines) is the same for systolic BP (120 mm or less). Hg) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (& lt; 80 mm Hg) (Table 1). 25th. 2019г.

What are the new guidelines for blood pressure by the American Heart Association?

In 2017, new guidelines from the American Heart Association, the American Heart Association, and nine other medical institutions reduced the number of diagnoses of hypertension (hypertension) to 130/80 mm (mm Hg) of mercury. Was done. Higher in all adults.

What are the 2021 guidelines for blood pressure?

New blood pressure category. Normal = less than 120 and less than 80. Rise = 120-129 and less than 80. Hypertension stage 1 = 130-139 or 80-89. Hypertension Stage 2 = 140+ or ​​90+ High Blood Pressure Crisis (Contact Your Doctor Immediately) = 180+ and / or 120+ New Blood Pressure Guidelines: More Americans Have Hypertension

What are the new blood pressure guidelines for the elderly 2021?

Currently, the ideal blood pressure for the elderly is considered to be 120/80 (systole / diastole), which is the same for young adults. The range of hypertension in the elderly begins in stage 1 of hypertension and ranges from 130 to 139/80 to 89.

What are the American blood pressure standards?

What is a normal blood pressure value? Normal blood pressure levels are below 120/80 mmHg. Regardless of age, you can take daily steps to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.

What is normal blood pressure according to the American College of Cardiology?

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